Thursday, September 29, 2011


So, I guess it's about time I talk ABOUT.ME. Afterall, I am blogging again so that I have something to put on my ABOUT.ME page!

BzzAgent hooked me up with ABOUT.ME and I didn't really get what it was at first. So I added a picture and a little info, some links, and now I get it. It's a splash page or basically a portal to my Internet life so that people can easily find everything they ever wanted to know about me. I don't know if this is a good thing or not. But, it's there. You, too, can visit my portal.

I asked around on Facebook to see if any of my friends was using ABOUT.ME and I actually had one friend who also had an ABOUT.ME page. She said she had set it up about a year ago, but had forgotten about it. It made me realize that it might be best for someone who has a business or something like that, sort of as an advertisement. Hers was focused on her flying as she is a pilot and I thought...ooooh, okay, I see how this could be a good thing. I see that there are celebs with ABOUT.ME pages and I guess that makes sense. I just don't know if anyone is really going to go in search of ME. But, if they do... all they need to do is hit ABOUT.ME and they will find everything they need.

If you want to create your own portal, it's free. Once you do, shoot me a comment so I can take a look and add you to my favorites!

Oh yeah, and there is a special offer right now... you can get 50 free business cards, so once you are signed up, be sure you check out the OFFERS link.

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